Bipolar Disorder with Teens

//Bipolar Disorder with Teens

Bipolar Disorder with Teens

Città di Castello Bipolar disorder has often been described by many people as serious mood swings. Individuals that are dealing with bipolar disorder may seem to be very hyper at one moment and may become very depressed later on. Not everyone responds to this condition the same way. Some may go through these mood swings really fast while others may be hyper for several days and then become depressed and switch back and forth but over longer periods. Bipolar disorder can effect teens and can be different for teenagers in the respect that it can cause some other complications for them as well. Therefore, it is always a good idea to fully understand how this condition affects them in order to determine the best treatment options available for them. This short article will examine bipolar disorder with teens in more detail so that parents and caregivers can better help their children.

Let us start by looking at a teen that is in a manic phase. This child may be very hyper or act very silly. While this can be common behavior for some teens you will be able to tell the difference with teens that are truly manic. Their behavior may actually be somewhat bizarre. He or she may also seem to have a very short fuse. They may also engage in dangerous or harmful behaviors and they may tend to think about sex more frequently than other children their own age. Adequate sleep is also an issue for teens that are in the manic phase as well since they may find it difficult to relax or calm down enough to get restful sleep.

Teens that are depressed will often discuss having a lot of pain. They may report having upset stomachs, headaches, and other pain as well. They may have a difficult time eating. Parents and caregivers may see an increase in these behaviors along with the insomnia that will upset the teen’s daily routine and make them irritable and difficult to deal with. Engaging in fun activities with their peers may also begin to decrease and he or she may begin to isolate themselves from the world.

Parents and caregivers should also pay attention and watch for suicidal thoughts and tendencies when their child is dealing with bipolar disorder. This is true even if the child is being treated for the condition because this mental illness can affect so many areas of their lives and separate them from others. Other things to watch for may include drug and alcohol abuse, anxiety issues such as separation anxiety or even ADHD. Any signs or symptoms of these coexisting complications need to be communicated with a mental health professional immediately so that the child can get the best treatment available.

By | 2018-03-12T10:55:42+00:00 March 12th, 2018|Migraines|0 Comments

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